Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Hi there, and welcome to my blog. Like me, I am sure that this blog will be delightfully random; encompassing things from my personal life to my professional life.

In my professional life, I am a Library Technician at Langara College. I am also the Secretary and List Manager for the Library Technicians' & Assistants' Interest Group (LTAIG) of the British Columbia Library Association (BCLA). I am a keen explorer of information, and delight in helping others find the information they are seeking (it can be a bit obsessive in fact!). So, look for updates on cool new information technology things that I come across, and also for random commentary about my work. I delight in things that are useful, so be sure to browse my blog for links that may be of use to you.

In my personal life, I am a random, silly, emotional girl. A little flighty, yet grounded firmly at the same time. A walking contradiction in many things! I enjoy reading truly crappy, but gripping novels, as well as really excellent, intelligent ones (ie: Diana Gabaldon's Outlander novels v.s. Margaret Atwood). I love to paint and draw, but rarely find the time to do it. I love the outdoors, and sometimes think I suffocate without fresh air. I love to sit around doing nothing with the people I love just laughing and talking about nothing and everything. I also have attention-deficit disorder. I'm sure the more you read my blog, the more evident this will become!

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