Monday, January 8, 2007

First Day of Candida Treatment Diet

So, starting this morning, I can not eat/drink any of the following:

Sugar (any form of it, even most fruits)
Yeast (trust me, it's in EVERYTHING)
Cheese, except occasionally, soft cheeses like feta or ricotta
Anything refined/processed

So far, it hasn't been too bad. Although I did miss my coffee this morning! I started off with a glass of warm water & lemon juice when I woke up. Then I made a glass of fresh carrot & beet juice, with my brand new juicer. It was totally delicious, and my juicer seriously rocks!! I'm SO excited about it!! I have an old juicer, but I never used it because it takes forever to make the tiniest bit of juice, and it's so hard to clean up. But my new juicer is very easy to use (you can shove a whole apple in there, peel, core, and all, and it will juice it!), and easy to clean too. I was very impressed!

Anyways, then I had a smoothie, with Vega powder (for protein). Vega is a great product: very nutritious. Rob & I have been using it for about a year now every morning. It's yummy too! For more information, see the website:


So I was doing the above post, and had to save it as a draft before I could finish it. Now it's 2 days later, and I'm finally getting a chance to finish it!! hehe

I'm still doing the cleanse. Today is day 3. It's been pretty hard, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I've really been missing coffee, and have had a few episodes of extreme sugar cravings. The no yeast has been ok though. I bought this soda bread from Capers, with no yeast, and it's really yummy, so that's warding off the cravings.

I made this Digest Aid Soup, with black beans, brown rice, and a whole bunch of veggies and herbs and spices. It really does help with the digestion, let me tell you!! It's not too bad tasting either. My new favourite snack is as follows:

2 Pieces of Soda Bread
1/2 an Avocado
Squeeze of lemon juice (on the avocado)
Pinch of sea salt (on the avocado)
3-4 slices Goat Feta Cheese

Just squeeze the lemon juice and pinch the sea salt onto the avocado, and then mash the avocado onto the soda bread. Add goat feta pieces where wanted! Yummy, and nutritious.

Right now I feel very tired & hungry, but it's been a good 3 hours since I last ate, and I think I have hypoglycemia, cause whenever I go more than two hours without eating, I get this really foggy head feeling, a headache, and I become very dumb feeling (disconnected). So yeah...that's how I'm feeling now...Yay! But I get a food break soon, so hopefully I can make it!

I'll keep you posted on my health, and let you know if this is a worthwhile diet to try. I'm also taking a couple of extra supplements, but I'll have to talk about that another time.......



Barbara said...

Ved, purandollo os teri unon? Tuturond doprimeu, ramo inon um impada quande ogno! Zentruiu luzireitao jovandemonao, urna lo que guerrego! Preparapio jeja sogninfa!

expert author said...

Nice to hear the update. I personally found relieve with the Candida tips at

That site got rid of my candida in about a day and a half.

aldrin james said...

How is your candida diet going? I am sure that treatment is will work well in you. I can't wait for its result.

candida diet

Samual James said...

We all know Candida is common yeast infection, it can be cure 100% easily even by help of home remedies which are every effective. Beside of having treatment for it, it’s our duty to avoid that thing which causes trigger to it. We need take care of our diet also have to remember what to eat and what not to eat. Go through this blog, this will give you complete guidance about diet for Candida patient.
Candida: Sexuelle Übertragung