Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Third Week on Candida Diet

Well, it is the beginning of my 3rd week on this diet. It hasn't been so bad. I've lost about 6 pounds, so that's great!! I cheated a little bit this weekend, by having a few glasses of whiskey, two nights in a row. Either than that, I've been pretty good. I have had NO sugar at all for 3 weeks, except for one cherry Lifesaver this afternoon, which I couldn't even finish! It was too sweet! My taste buds seem to be changing - things that previously didn't taste sweet now taste sweet.

Health wise, I'm feeling ok. The first 2 weeks, I was really feeling groggy without caffeine. Like I mean head not working groggy. So I've started having 1 cup of caffeinated tea in the mornings. I figure having ADD, I need some sort of stimulant (Ritalin works because it is a stimulant).

Anyways, I've also been a little bit moody, but I'm not sure if that's because of the horrible weather (no sunshine!), or the cleanse. Maybe a combo. Cleansing can sometimes bring up emotional messes from the past.

My psoriasis might be clearing up (it's hard to say), so that's good. And my tummy is definetely flatter, and I've hardly had any tummy aches! I usually get quite a few, so that's nice!

That's about it!

Later skaters.


Mary Siever said...


I for some STRANGE reason I have not seen your blog before, I am glad Rob had a link to it! You know what, one of my favourite movies is Life is Beautiful too and there are a few other things that we have in common (interests and such). I am sure Rob has told you how much I love U2 (now in a more abstract way as my music seems to be more geared towards my children, lol). Sinéad has those pictures you gave her (the Disney ones) on her wall. She loves them.

Good for you and your cleanse! I need to do a cleanse, but I have to wait as I don't want to make Aisling sick.

Mary Siever said...
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Jen Brown said...

Hi Mary!

I just started my blog, so that's why you didn't know! I haven't really told many people about it...maybe I should!

Rob has told me about your love for U2, and how when you went to Ireland your goal was to marry the drummer (I think it was the drummer), and then become a back-up singer!! hehe...guess that didn't work out!

If you loved Life Is Beautiful, you should definetely watch Love Actually. It's beautiful. The premise is that, despite all the horrible things happening in the world today, if you really look, love actually is, all around. It's very sappy.

I'm glad Sinead likes those pictures. I have more, so next time we see you, she can have those too. Although, I haven't done much colouring lately. Hopefully when you guys come for the wedding, we'll have time to colour some together!

The cleanse is going well. I hae now lost 8 pounds!! I'm pretty happy about it. It's not a harsh cleanse, it's mostly just cutting out yeast and sugar and other chemicals and stuff.

Anyways, talk to you soon!

Mary Siever said...


Yes, well actually, it was the bass player (Adam Clayton). It was not a solidified goal, hehe. No, didn't work out, ad whew, I love who I got instead! But that's ok, teenage dreams, right?

I will have to see it, thank you! I did, I just loved Life is Beautiful adn cried throughout it, and laughed. So funny and so sad and, well you know. I do want to see Little Miss Sunshine too, I have heard that is a good one.

Sinéad would love that! We are so looking forward to your wedding. Please do let me know what you would like done, if you need anything. Ok, money, don't have any of that, but I have hands, lol and though I am not personally creative at stuff, I can do things if told! So let me know what I can do from here.

You are doing awesome!

Jen Brown said...

Hi again Mary:

I'm glad you got the man you got too! You two are very well suited for one another, and have such beautiful children, it'd be a shame otherwise!! hehe...but yes, teenage dreams....at least you only had one rock star you wanted to marry - I wanted to marry many....hehe

I will let you know if we need any help as it comes up. Thank you very much for offering.

I must go now, but have a good night!!

Mary Siever said...


oh thanks :) Yes, they are all wonderful!

Ah teenage dreams, there are many of them, but we grow up!lol

Migelooch said...

Hi Jen,

I have been on a severe anti-Candida diet for a week and a day now. I found your blog by googling, looking for fellow sufferers. I have to be on the diet for 4 months, and it is difficult, but I'm kind of taking it one day at a time. I miss sweets! Oh, by the way, I live in Tel Aviv, Israel. I'm glad to hear that one can lose weight on this diet. That's something to look forward to....

Anyway, good luck! It's nice to know there are others out there.


my blog: http://www.candidacandor.blogspot.com/

Jen Brown said...

Hi Jul:

Thanks for commenting on my blog! It IS nice to know there are other people out there doing the same thing. That's cool that you found my blog via Google. Makes me feel famous! hehe

I think the first week was the hardest. Now it isn't too bad. I actually had a bite of some chocolate cake yesterday. It was SO good. But the icing was way TOO sweet. I couldn't believe it. I didn't like the icing (I used to eat icing all on it's own). And the cake was good, but not as good as I remember chocolate cake being. I don't really crave sweets anymore. It's pretty cool. Oh, and you should totally loose weight on this diet. I have now lost 10 pounds!

Don't worry too much about the sweets. The cravings will go away soon. Really, they do. Cause I was a TOTal sugar addict!!!

How's Tel Aviv??

Thanks for the link to your blog - I'll take a look later. I could use some extra inspiration!

Take care,


I have been on a severe anti-Candida diet for a week and a day now. I found your blog by googling, looking for fellow sufferers. I have to be on the diet for 4 months, and it is difficult, but I'm kind of taking it one day at a time. I miss sweets! Oh, by the way, I live in Tel Aviv, Israel. I'm glad to hear that one can lose weight on this diet. That's something to look forward to....

Anyway, good luck! It's nice to know there are others out there.


Migelooch said...

Hi again,

Thanks for the kind words. Tel Aviv is great; right now we're in the middle of a rainy winter (it never snows here). I've been living in Israel for 22 years; last 2.5 of them here in Tel Aviv - previously was in Jerusalem, and before that upstate NY.

How's it going on your diet? I'm in week 3....lost about 4 pounds and am so bored with the limitations. I'm supposed to be on this for 4 months!

I put a link to your blog on my blog. Hope you don't mind.
